Tennessee APPROVED Intrastate Tariff Filing Packages

Effective Description Package
03/07/2025 TDM to IP Transition – Gallatin and Murfreesboro, TN TN-25-0010
03/01/2025 Increase business Analog Private Line (APL) monthly charges TN-25-0003
03/01/2025 Increase business SynchroNet Service (DS0) month-to-month rates TN-25-0002
03/01/2025 ISDN BRI Rate increase - March 2025 TN-25-0001
02/01/2025 GEO Grandfathering URL Change TN-25-0012
02/01/2025 Business Access Line,Trunk and Related USOCS TN-24-0029
01/03/2025 TDM to IP Conversion - Nashville, TN TN-24-0032
12/23/2024 TDM to IP Transition – Murfreesboro, TN TN-24-0030
11/02/2024 Increase Residence Feature Packages Monthly Charges TN-24-0023
11/02/2024 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly Rates TN-24-0019
10/15/2024 TN State Shared Use Update TN-24-0024
09/30/2024 BellSouth Centrex - 24 & 36 month term plan changes TN-24-0026
09/30/2024 ISDN PRI term plan changes TN-24-0025
09/23/2024 TN State Metro Ethernet Rate Increase TN-24-0027
09/15/2024 Business SMARTring Service - 12 month and month-to-month rate increase TN-24-0022
09/15/2024 Business BellSouth Metro Ethernet month-to-month rate increase TN-24-0021
07/01/2024 TN State Shared Use Grandfathering TN-24-0020
06/30/2024 TDM to IP Conversion - Retired Copper Facilities TN-24-0018
06/12/2024 Business Local Calling Auto Renewal of Contract Language Revision TN-24-0017
06/01/2024 Business Usage and MTS Rate increases TN-24-0016
04/28/2024 Increase Residence Feature Packages Monthly Charges TN-24-0012
04/28/2024 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly Rates TN-24-0011
04/28/2024 Increase residential verticals monthly charges TN-24-0010
04/03/2024 Business Complete Choice for Business Rate Increase TN-24-0014
04/03/2024 Business Local Calling and Business Local Calling Assurance Rate Increase TN-24-0013
04/03/2024 Business DS1 (MegaLink) and DS3 (LightGate) MTM and 12mo term rate increases TN-24-0008
03/17/2024 Grandfathering DS1 CSPP TN-24-0007
03/01/2024 ISDN BRI and PRI Rate increase - March 2023 TN-24-0006
03/01/2024 Increase business SynchroNet Service (DS0) month-to-month rates TN-24-0005
03/01/2024 Increase business Analog Private Line (APL) monthly charges TN-24-0004
03/01/2024 Increase Business Local Exchange Service monthly rates TN-24-0001
02/12/2024 Wire Center Grandfathering TN-24-0009
01/01/2024 Residential Measured Telecommunications Service (MTS) Increase TN-23-0029
12/31/2023 Service Availability by Wire Center TN-23-0028
11/04/2023 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly Rates TN-23-0027
11/04/2023 Increase Residence Feature Packages and CC Basic Monthly Charges TN-23-0026
07/21/2023 Increase Business Local Calling (BLC) monthly rates TN-23-0017
07/15/2023 Increase Business Complete Choice for Business monthly rates TN-23-0024
07/10/2023 Increase Business MTS toll rate charges TN-23-0015
07/01/2023 Remove Waiver of Several BLC Non-Recurring Charges TN-23-0023
07/01/2023 TN State 8YY Rate Reduction TN-23-0021
06/15/2023 TN State Metro Ethernet Rate Increase TN-23-0022
06/15/2023 Business SMARTring - 12mo term and MTM rate increases TN-23-0019
06/15/2023 Increase BellSouth Metro Ethernet Service monthly rates TN-23-0018
06/04/2023 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly Rates TN-23-0013
06/04/2023 Increase Residence Feature Packages and CC Basic Monthly Charges TN-23-0012
05/19/2023 TN State ADE Redirect to the Ethernet Service Guide TN-23-0020
05/03/2023 Business DS1 (MegaLink) and DS3 (LightGate) 12mo term increase TN-23-0016
04/05/2023 Increase Business Local Calling (BLC) Assurance and Package MTM rates TN-23-0014
04/03/2023 Business DS1 (MegaLink) and DS3 (LightGate) MTM Increases TN-23-0010
04/01/2023 Residential Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) Rate increase TN-23-0006
04/01/2023 Increase residential verticals monthly charges TN-23-0001
03/13/2023 TDM to IP Transition - River Rock Blvd, Murfreesboro TN TN-23-0011
03/01/2023 Increase business Analog Private Line (APL) monthly charges TN-23-0005
03/01/2023 Increase business SynchroNet Service (DS0) month-to-month rates TN-23-0004
03/01/2023 Increase Business Local Exchange Service monthly rates TN-23-0003
02/01/2023 ISDN PRI and ISDN BRI - increase monthly rate TN-23-0002
01/01/2023 TN Program Audio/Wired Music Sunset TN-22-0041
01/01/2023 Withdraw BST ATM/Frame, Fast Packet Option, and Customer Network Service TN-22-0040
01/01/2023 TN Frame Relay/ATM Sunset TN-22-0032
12/02/2022 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly rates TN-22-0039
12/02/2022 Increase Residence CC Basic Enhanced & Feature Packages Monthly charges TN-22-0031
11/01/2022 TN DS1/DS3 24-36 Month Term Plan Grandfathering TN-22-0033
10/15/2022 Increase Residential verticals monthly charges. TN-22-0026
10/07/2022 Increase Business Local Calling (BLC) monthly rates TN-22-0038
10/07/2022 Increase Business Local Calling Assurance rates TN-22-0037
10/03/2022 Business DS1 (MegaLink) and DS3 (LightGate) Increases TN-22-0035
09/01/2022 Increase Business Local Exchange Service TN-22-0034
09/01/2022 Increase Business MTS rate charges TN-22-0028
09/01/2022 Redirect AT&T Dedicated Ethernet to AT&T Ethernet Guidebook GBEX-22-0003
09/01/2022 Redirect ATT Dedicated Ethernet Product Offerings GBEX-22-0002
08/01/2022 ISDN PRI and ISDN BRI - increase monthly rates TN-22-0023
07/01/2022 Increase Residence Local Service Monthly Rates TN-22-0029
07/01/2022 Increase Residence Feature Packages Monthly Charges TN-22-0027
07/01/2022 Increase business SynchroNet Service (DS0) month-to-month rates TN-22-0025
07/01/2022 Increase business Analog Private Line (APL) monthly charges TN-22-0024
07/01/2022 TN State 8YY Reduction TN-22-0022
06/16/2022 Increase Business Local Calling (BLC) monthly rates TN-22-0030
05/31/2022 TDM to IP Transition - Whitwell, TN TN-22-0020
05/01/2022 SE Guidebook Formatting Change TN-22-0021
04/03/2022 Increase business AT&T Business Local Calling Assurance TN-22-0018
04/03/2022 Business Local Calling (BLC) MTM Rate Increases TN-22-0016
04/03/2022 Business DS1 (MegaLink) and DS3 (LightGate) Increases TN-22-0014
04/01/2022 Residential Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) Rate Reduction TN-22-0019
04/01/2022 TDM to IP Transition - 2020 March Tornado impact TN-22-0015
03/01/2022 Increase business Analog Private Line (APL) Monthly Charges TN-22-0013
03/01/2022 Increase business SynchroNet Service (DS0) month-to-month rates TN-22-0012
03/01/2022 Business MTS Toll Increase TN-22-0010
03/01/2022 Increase Business Local Exchange Service Monthly Rates TN-22-0007
02/15/2022 Lifeline Withdrawal TN-22-0011
02/01/2022 Increase Primary Rate ISDN and ISDN - Business Service Month-to-Month Charges TN-22-0008
01/03/2022 Increase Business Complete Choice for Business monthly charge TN-22-0009
01/01/2022 Residence Local Service Increase TN-22-0006
01/01/2022 Residential Measured Telecommunications Service (MTS) Increase TN-22-0005
01/01/2022 Residential Feature Packages Monthly Service Increase TN-22-0004
01/01/2022 Residential Verticals Monthly Charges Increase TN-22-0003
12/31/2021 Withdraw Residence 800 Toll Free Services TN-21-0044
12/01/2021 TN State Tariff - SMARTRing Grandfathering TN-21-0048
12/01/2021 Business Remote Call Forwarding (RCF) increase TN-21-0045
12/01/2021 SMARTRing - Introduce 12 Month Term, Grandfather Terms Greater than 12 Months TN-21-0042
10/03/2021 Business Megalink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Services Increase TN-21-0043
09/15/2021 Business Local Calling Assurance MTM Rate Increases TN-21-0039
09/15/2021 Business Local Calling (BLC) MTM Rate Increases TN-21-0038
09/01/2021 Eliminate Certain Directory Listings TN-21-0040
09/01/2021 Business Private Line (APL) Channels Monthly Rate Increases TN-21-0037
09/01/2021 SynchroNet (DS0) Service Rate Increases TN-21-0036
09/01/2021 Business Local Exchange Service Increase TN-21-0034
09/01/2021 Obsolete ISDN Business Service (IBS) TN-21-0033
09/01/2021 Business MTS Toll Increase TN-21-0029
08/22/2021 Metro E GF TN ST TRF TN-21-0023
08/01/2021 Business ISDN Business Service (IBS) MTM Rate Increases TN-21-0035
08/01/2021 Business ISDN PRI Increase TN-21-0032
08/01/2021 Residence Packages Monthly Charges Increase TN-21-0031
08/01/2021 Residence Local Service Increase TN-21-0030
07/01/2021 TN State 8YY Reduction TN-21-0027
06/30/2021 TN State Tariff - APL/DS0 Grandfathering TN-21-0028
06/30/2021 Obsolete BellSouth Metro Ethernet Service TN-21-0026
06/30/2021 Obsolete BellSouth Wavelength Service (Basic Arrangement) TN-21-0025
06/30/2021 WAVE GF TN ST TRF TN-21-0024
06/30/2021 Obsolete SynchroNet (DS0) Service TN-21-0022
06/30/2021 Obsolete Analog Channels (APL) (B3) TN-21-0020
06/01/2021 Obsolete Coin Telephone Service TN-21-0021
04/26/2021 Increase Complete Choice for Business TN-21-0019
04/05/2021 Obsolete 24 and 36 Month TPPs and Introduce 12 Month TPP for MegaLink Service (DS1) and LightGate Service (DS3) TN-21-0018
04/03/2021 Business Local Calling, Business Local Calling-Assurance, and Complete Choice for Business Increases TN-21-0017
04/03/2021 Residence Cost Assessment Charge Reduction TN-21-0016
04/03/2021 Megalink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Services Increase TN-21-0015
03/17/2021 Business Local Services Increase TN-21-0011
03/15/2021 Withdrawal Competitive Acquisition Service Connection Charge Waiver TN-21-0014
03/01/2021 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications (LDMTS) Service Increase TN-21-0013
03/01/2021 Private Line Channels (APL) and Synchronet (DS0) Increases TN-21-0012
02/28/2021 Residence Vertical Services (Features) Increase TN-21-0010
02/28/2021 Residence Long Distance Message Telecommunication Service Increase TN-21-0008
02/28/2021 Residence Packages Increase TN-21-0007
02/28/2021 Residence Local Service Increase TN-21-0006
02/05/2021 ATT Dedicated Ethernet - Private Carriage TN-21-0009
02/01/2021 ISDN Prime (PRI) and ISDN Business Service (IBS - BRI) Increase TN-21-0005
02/01/2021 Obsolete Complete Choice Basic Service TN-21-0004
01/01/2021 Discontinue Residence Permanent Offers (Access Line and CCE Retention Offers) TN-21-0002
12/01/2020 Lifeline – Reduction in Federal Discount TN-20-0031
12/01/2020 TN State Tariff - Wired Music Grandfather - Sunset TN-20-0028
12/01/2020 Obsolete Private Line Channels Series 6000, Wired Music TN-20-0027
12/01/2020 AT&T Dedicated Ethernet - Entrance Facility Construction GBEX-20-0003
12/01/2020 ADE Diversity Options Changes GBEX-20-0002
10/09/2020 CLEANUP B103 Contents TN-20-0030
10/09/2020 Cleanup B103 TN-20-0029
10/04/2020 Residential Verticals Increase TN-20-0024
10/04/2020 Residential Local Service Increase TN-20-0014
10/04/2020 Residential Packages Increase TN-20-0012
10/01/2020 Emergency Service Provider Data Service (ESPDS) NRC Increase TN-20-0025
09/30/2020 TN State Tariff - ASE-Point to ASE Service Guide TN-20-0026
09/10/2020 Business Local Calling Increase TN-20-0023
09/10/2020 Business Local Service Increase TN-20-0022
09/01/2020 Business Long Distance Message Telecommicaions Service (LDMTS) Increase. TN-20-0020
09/01/2020 Private Line Channels (APL) and SynchroNet (DS0) Service Increases TN-20-0019
08/31/2020 ADE Private Carriage GBEX-20-0001
08/28/2020 TN State Tariff - Maint of Service - Point to Interstate Access Guidebook TN-20-0017
08/20/2020 E911 USOC E8K Reprice TN-20-0021
08/01/2020 ISDN Business Service (IBS) and ISDN Prime Service Increases TN-20-0018
08/01/2020 Business Local Calling Assurance and Complete Choice for Business Increases TN-20-0011
07/15/2020 Increase MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Services TN-20-0010
05/01/2020 Residential Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) Reduction. TN-20-0013
03/01/2020 Business Local Service Increase TN-20-0009
03/01/2020 ISDN Prime (PRI) Increase TN-20-0008
03/01/2020 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-20-0007
03/01/2020 Business Long Distance Message Communications Service (LDMTS) Increase. TN-20-0006
03/01/2020 Private Line Channels (APL) and SynchroNet (DS0) Increases TN-20-0005
12/31/2019 Intercept and Referral Changes and Eliminations TN-19-0048
12/01/2019 Lifeline – Reduction in Federal Discount TN-19-0047
11/02/2019 Residence Verticals Increase TN-19-0045
11/02/2019 Residence Packages Increase TN-19-0044
11/01/2019 Residential Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) TN-19-0043
10/24/2019 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Increases TN-19-0042
10/11/2019 Withdraw ESSX-1 Consoles and Optional Features TN-19-0046
10/01/2019 Cost Assessment Charge Increase TN-19-0039
10/01/2019 Increase Cost Assessment Charge - TN Tariff TN-19-0037
10/01/2019 Increase Cost Assessment Charge GBEX-19-0002
09/15/2019 Withdraw Various Options Under Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) Service TN-19-0041
09/01/2019 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-19-0038
09/01/2019 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increases TN-19-0036
09/01/2019 Complete Choice for Business Increase TN-19-0035
09/01/2019 Business Local Service Increase TN-19-0034
09/01/2019 Private Line Channels (APL) and SynchroNet (DS0) Increases TN-19-0033
08/23/2019 Business Local Calling 20+ Line 12Mo Term Increase. TN-19-0032
08/20/2019 Withdraw BellSouth Business Choice Package TN-19-0031
08/08/2019 Service Availability (TN State Access Tariff) TN-19-0030
07/18/2019 Service Availability (Guidebooks) TN-19-0014
07/01/2019 Discontinue Residential Online Service Connection Charge Waiver TN-19-0027
06/19/2019 Grandfather Business Local Calling 12-Month Renewable Term Plans TN-19-0026
06/01/2019 Residential Local Service Increase TN-19-0025
06/01/2019 Primary Rate ISDN Increase TN-19-0024
05/16/2019 Eliminate BellSouth PSP Reward Plan TN-19-0022
05/01/2019 Residential Cost Assessment Charge Reduction TN-19-0023
04/03/2019 Complete Choice for Business Increase TN-19-0020
04/03/2019 Business Local Calling Assurance Increase TN-19-0019
04/03/2019 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Increase TN-19-0018
03/31/2019 ISDN PRI Change in Terms and Conditions for Contract Extensions TN-19-0016
03/28/2019 Term Grandfathering TN TN-18-0062
03/05/2019 Lifeline Changes- National Verifier Implementation TN-19-0017
03/05/2019 STATE ACCESS - Introduce Standard Metro Ethernet to ATT Switched Ethernet Migration Language TN-19-0013
03/01/2019 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-19-0012
03/01/2019 Business Long Distance Measured Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-19-0011
03/01/2019 Business Local Service Increase TN-19-0010
03/01/2019 SynchroNet (DS0) Increase TN-19-0009
03/01/2019 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-19-0008
02/01/2019 Centrex Feature Package Increase TN-19-0007
01/15/2019 Withdraw Obsolete Emergency Reporting Services TN-19-0006
01/01/2019 Increase Cost Assessment Charge TN-19-0002
01/01/2019 Increase Cost Assessment Charge (State Access) TN-18-0058
01/01/2019 Increase Cost Assessment Charge GBEX-19-0001
12/01/2018 Withdraw BellSouth Wavelength Service (Dedicated Ring Arrangement) TN-18-0059
11/17/2018 Residence Vertical Services Increase TN-18-0056
11/17/2018 Residence Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-18-0055
11/17/2018 Residence Complete Choice Basic & Enhanced, 2 Pack, Preferred Pack, Complete Choice, Area Plus, and Package Verticals Increases TN-18-0054
11/15/2018 LightGate System Obsoleted Options Withdrawal TN-18-0057
11/01/2018 Primary Rate ISDN (PRI) Increase TN-18-0053
11/01/2018 Withdraw Privacy Manager (Residence) TN-18-0052
11/01/2018 Withdraw Obsolete Analog Private Line (Channels) Miscellaneous USOCs TN-18-0051
10/09/2018 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-18-0045
10/03/2018 Business Local Calling Increase TN-18-0049
10/03/2018 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Increase TN-18-0048
10/01/2018 Withdraw Group Emergency Alerting and Dispatching Systems TN-18-0050
10/01/2018 AT&T Dedicated Ethernet - Inside Wire Option GBEX-18-0002
09/15/2018 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-18-0047
09/01/2018 Complete Choice for Business Increase TN-18-0046
09/01/2018 Business Local Service Increase TN-18-0044
09/01/2018 Synchronet (DS0) Increase TN-18-0043
09/01/2018 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-18-0042
08/03/2018 Business Local Calling 1-19 Line, 1-Year Term Plan Increase TN-18-0041
08/01/2018 Residence Line Connection Charge (Additional) Increase TN-18-0039
07/01/2018 New Business Local Calling 12-Month Term with Auto Renew TN-18-0037
06/15/2018 Apartment Door Answering Service Withdrawal TN-18-0036
06/02/2018 Residence Local Service Increase TN-18-0035
06/02/2018 Twenty-Five Cent Call Plan Increase TN-18-0034
06/02/2018 Residence Privacy Manager Increase TN-18-0033
05/15/2018 Withdraw Miscellaneous Services TN-18-0032
05/01/2018 Business Local Calling Assurance Increase TN-18-0031
04/15/2018 Complete Choice for Business Increase TN-18-0029
04/02/2018 Residence Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) Increase TN-18-0027
04/02/2018 Business Local Calling Increases TN-18-0026
04/01/2018 Withdraw Central Office Local Area Network Service TN-18-0028
04/01/2018 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Increases TN-18-0025
03/15/2018 Business Local Calling 20+ Lines Increase TN-18-0024
03/09/2018 Business Line Change Charge Increase TN-18-0019
03/01/2018 Business Local Service Increase TN-18-0022
03/01/2018 Grandfather Residential Privacy Manager TN-18-0021
03/01/2018 Synchronet (DS0) Increase TN-18-0020
03/01/2018 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-18-0018
02/16/2018 CLEANUP Lifeline Message Rate Reference TN-18-0030
02/12/2018 Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) Increase TN-18-0023
02/10/2018 Establish Cost Assessment Charge (State Access) TN-18-0017
02/07/2018 Establish % Cost Assessment Charge (CAC) GBEX-18-0001
01/15/2018 Withdraw AccuPulse Service TN-18-0016
01/15/2018 Withdraw FlexServ - Digital Access Cross Connect TN-18-0015
01/04/2018 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service Increase TN-18-0010
01/03/2018 Residence Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service Increase TN-18-0009
01/01/2018 Increase ISDN Business Service (IBS) TN-18-0008
01/01/2018 Directory Assistance Increase TN-18-0005
12/02/2017 Residence Vertical Services Increase TN-17-0070
12/02/2017 Residential Packages Increase TN-17-0069
12/01/2017 Modify Call Tracing TN-17-0072
12/01/2017 ISDN PRI Monthly Extension Rates TN-17-0068
11/15/2017 Withdraw Native Mode LAN Interconnect (NMLI) Service TN-17-0067
10/15/2017 Withdraw Multiline Service TN-17-0066
10/03/2017 Increase Business Local Calling Service TN-17-0063
09/20/2017 TDM to IP Transition (Gatlinburg) (Access Tariff) TN-17-0043
09/20/2017 TDM to IP Transition (Gatlinburg) (Guidebooks) TN-17-0036
09/15/2017 Increase Business Local Calling Assurance TN-17-0062
09/01/2017 ISDN Residential Service (IRS) Increase TN-17-0060
08/30/2017 Eliminate Enterprise Service References TN-17-0059
08/01/2017 BellSouth Centrex MTM Introduction TN-17-0054
08/01/2017 Withdraw Caller ID - Basic for residence customers TN-17-0053
08/01/2017 Wavelength to ADE Migration Language TN-17-0052
08/01/2017 Modify Residence Access Line Retention Offer TN-17-0051
08/01/2017 Migration to ASE Language Standardization TN-17-0050
08/01/2017 Discontinue Access Lines for Payphone Service Provider Telephones (PSP) in certain SE Wire Centers TN-17-0049
07/15/2017 SMARTRing Service MTM Conversion Modification TN-17-0041
07/14/2017 Add Rearrangement of Plant Language TN-17-0061
07/07/2017 Residence Local Service Increase TN-17-0047
07/01/2017 Withdraw Caller ID Multi-Line (Residence) TN-17-0045
06/30/2017 Withdraw Call Hold and Call Pickup from Complete Choice Package TN-17-0044
06/29/2017 Modify Directory and Listing Terminology TN-17-0056
06/01/2017 Business Local Service Increase TN-17-0038
06/01/2017 Lightgate (DS3) Increase TN-17-0037
05/12/2017 Operator Transfer Serivice Sunset TN-17-0034
05/05/2017 PRI Contract Extension Language TN-17-0042
05/01/2017 Business Local Calling Increase TN-17-0033
04/20/2017 New Cost Assessment Charge TN-17-0030
04/10/2017 Business Local Calling MtM Pricing Clarification TN-17-0032
04/03/2017 Line Change Charge Reduction TN-17-0020
04/02/2017 MegaLink (DS1) Service Increase TN-17-0028
04/01/2017 BellSouth Centrex Control URL Modification TN-17-0035
04/01/2017 Interconnection of MSP Clarification TN-17-0031
03/31/2017 Lifeline - Changes in Availability TN-17-0046
03/04/2017 Residence Feature Package Increase TN-17-0025
03/03/2017 ISDN Residence Service (IRS) Increase TN-17-0024
03/02/2017 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-17-0023
03/01/2017 Modify Late Payment Charges for Residence TN-17-0026
03/01/2017 Increase Synchronet (DS0) Service TN-17-0022
03/01/2017 Business Local Service Increase TN-17-0021
03/01/2017 Business Local Calling Assurance Grandfather 12-month Term. TN-17-0019
01/15/2017 Residence Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-17-0017
01/04/2017 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-17-0016
01/04/2017 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-17-0015
01/01/2017 Residence Zone Mileage Increase TN-17-0014
01/01/2017 Residence Custom Calling, TouchStar and RingMaster Services Increase TN-17-0013
01/01/2017 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-17-0012
01/01/2017 Residence Packages Increases TN-17-0011
12/02/2016 Lifeline Reform and Modernization Order Compliance TN-16-0050
12/01/2016 Withdraw Residence Measured and Message Rate Service TN-16-0044
11/11/2016 Metro E Revised Grandfathering TN-16-0045
11/01/2016 Listing Services Subject Index Cleanup TN-16-0049
10/31/2016 Trademark and Service Mark Cleanup TN-16-0048
10/31/2016 Centrex to BVoIP Migration Language Change TN-16-0047
10/15/2016 Cleanup Antiquated Reference to Farmers' Line TN-16-0042
10/10/2016 Cleanup Defunct References to WatchAlert Service TN-16-0043
09/03/2016 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-16-0036
09/01/2016 CLEANUP - RegionServ Correction TN-17-0039
09/01/2016 Residence ISDN Service Increase TN-16-0040
09/01/2016 Business Local Service Increase TN-16-0039
09/01/2016 SynchroNet (DS0) Increase TN-16-0038
09/01/2016 Twenty Five Cent Call Plan Increase TN-16-0037
09/01/2016 Business Local Calling Assurance Save/Winback Language TN-16-0035
08/15/2016 Primary Rate ISDN Migration to BVoIP Termination Liability Waiver TN-16-0034
08/15/2016 Business Local Calling Increase TN-16-0026
08/15/2016 Lifeline TN-16-0001
08/07/2016 Residence Packages Increases TN-16-0032
08/01/2016 Residence Customer Control Call Forwarding Withdrawal TN-16-0031
07/08/2016 Residence Local Service Increase TN-16-0030
07/02/2016 Residential Privacy Manager Increase TN-16-0028
07/01/2016 Business MemoryCall Increase TN-16-0029
07/01/2016 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service TN-16-0020
04/02/2016 MegaLink (DS1) Service Increase TN-16-0024
03/19/2016 Withdraw Operator Services Products TN-16-0023
03/06/2016 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-16-0021
03/01/2016 Business Local Service Increase TN-16-0022
03/01/2016 AT&T Dedicated Ethernet - Higher Speed Aggregation GBEX-16-0001
01/04/2016 Private Line Channels (APL) and SynchroNet (DS0) Increases TN-16-0019
01/01/2016 Residence Custom Calling, TouchStar and RingMaster Services TN-16-0018
01/01/2016 Residence Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-16-0017
01/01/2016 Residence Line Change Charge TN-16-0016
01/01/2016 Residence Packages Increases TN-16-0015
01/01/2016 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-16-0014
01/01/2016 ISDN Business Service (IBS) and Primary Rate ISDN Increases TN-16-0013
01/01/2016 Mobility/National Retail Service Connection Charge Waiver TN-16-0002
12/31/2015 Centrex BVoIP Migration Language TN-15-0083
12/15/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup TN-15-0085
12/15/2015 Obsolete Complete Choice Basic Offer TN-15-0080
12/15/2015 Obsolete ISDN - Residence Service (IRS) TN-15-0079
12/11/2015 Cancellation Charge Rate TN-15-0082
12/01/2015 Tennessee Final Detariff TN-15-0076
12/01/2015 Business Local Calling - 6-Month Term Plans TN-15-0074
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP B007, B008, B009, B103, B104, B107, B108, B109 TN-15-0071
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP - B001, B002, B003, B004, B005 TN-15-0068
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP - A140 & A142 TN-15-0067
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP A112 - Part 2 TN-15-0065
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP A113, A119, A123, A125, A129, A131, A132, A134, A139 TN-15-0062
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook CLEANUP A112 - Part 1 TN-15-0061
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A100, A103, A108, A110, A111 TN-15-0058
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A030, A032, A034, A035, A036, A037, A038, A039, A040, A042, A043, A047 TN-15-0056
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A014, A015, A017, A018, A019, A020, A025, A027, A029 TN-15-0055
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A003 A005 TN-15-0054
12/01/2015 TN GE & PL Guidebook Cleanup Title & Subj Indx TN-15-0053
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A001, A002 TN-15-0052
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A013 TN-15-0048
12/01/2015 TN Guidebook Cleanup A012 TN-15-0046
12/01/2015 TN GB Cleanup A004, A006, A007, A008, A009 TN-15-0044
11/20/2015 ASE Migration Language TN-15-0078
11/01/2015 Complete Choice for Business TN-15-0073
10/31/2015 Modification to ASE Cancellation Tiers TN-15-0077
10/16/2015 AT&T Switched Ethernet migration language (Metro Ethernet) TN-15-0069
10/01/2015 Obsolete 60+ Month Term Plans associated with AMS and IPMS Services TN-15-0066
09/05/2015 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-15-0060
09/03/2015 ADE Cross Connect TN-15-0063
09/01/2015 CLEANUP -- Update TN GB A113 Pg 16 TN-15-0070
09/01/2015 Business Local Exchange Service Increase TN-15-0059
08/14/2015 ASE Cancellation Charges TN-15-0043
08/10/2015 GB - Directory Assistance and Operator Services Exemption Language Change TN-15-0064
08/01/2015 Remove ARRA Paragraph TN-15-0057
07/15/2015 Business Memory Call Increase TN-15-0050
07/11/2015 Residence Local Exchange Service Increase TN-15-0049
07/05/2015 Residence Measured Rate, Message Rate and RegionServ Increases TN-15-0045
07/02/2015 SynchroNet (DS0) Increase TN-15-0042
07/02/2015 BellSouth Primary Rate ISDN and ISDN Business Service (IBS-BRI) Increases TN-15-0041
07/02/2015 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-15-0040
07/01/2015 Increase Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS). TN-15-0039
06/26/2015 Intro ADE TN-15-0051
06/26/2015 Disconnect OC-3 + SMARTRing Service TN-15-0047
06/26/2015 AT&T Dedicated Ethernet Introduction EX-15-0002
06/26/2015 AT&T Exchange Guidebook Launch -- Part 1 and Part 2 EX-15-0001
06/16/2015 Complete Choice Basic Offer TN-15-0037
06/01/2015 Business Local Calling 12-Mo Term Increase TN-15-0036
05/30/2015 OC3+ SMARTRing Withdrawal TN-15-0035
05/18/2015 Calling Card TN-15-0027
05/06/2015 DA Automation TN-15-0032
05/01/2015 Directory Assistance Increase TN-15-0031
05/01/2015 Business Local Calling Increase TN-15-0030
04/26/2015 GB - Calling Card and Credit Card Services Withdrawal TN-15-0034
04/26/2015 Calling Card and Credit Card Services Withdrawal TN-15-0033
04/02/2015 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Increases TN-15-0026
04/01/2015 Access Line $6 x 12 Mo. Bill Credit Retention Offer TN-15-0029
04/01/2015 Complete Choice Enhanced Retention Offer TN-15-0028
03/15/2015 MegaLink Service (DS1) Upgrade Modification TN-15-0024
03/05/2015 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-15-0023
03/01/2015 Business Local Exchange Service Increase TN-15-0022
01/07/2015 Dataphone Select-A-Station Service cleanup TN-15-0021
01/03/2015 Residence Long Distance Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) TN-15-0020
01/02/2015 Residence Custom Calling, TouchStar and RingMaster Services Increases TN-15-0019
01/02/2015 Residential Packages Increases TN-15-0018
01/02/2015 SynchroNet (DS0) Increase TN-15-0017
01/02/2015 ISDN Business Service (IBS) and BellSouth Primary Rate ISDN Increases TN-15-0016
01/02/2015 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-15-0015
01/02/2015 Business Local Calling Assurance Term Agreements TN-15-0014
01/01/2015 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service TN-15-0013
01/01/2015 Eliminating Telecommunication Relay Service (TRS) Charge TN-14-0077
12/05/2014 Residential Measured, Message and RegionServ Access Lines TN-14-0073
11/15/2014 Migration to BVoIP Waiver TN-14-0072
11/14/2014 DA Listings TN-14-0076
11/03/2014 Automation of Directory Assistance Services TN-14-0071
10/31/2014 Sunset SMARTGate TN-14-0069
10/28/2014 Records Only - Complete Choice TN-14-0074
10/22/2014 Intellectual Property TN-14-0066
10/07/2014 GB - USOC Intellectual Property Modification TN-14-0068
10/07/2014 USOC Intellectual Property Modification TN-14-0067
10/02/2014 Business Local Calling Increase TN-14-0065
10/01/2014 Residence Memory Call Transfer Mailbox Messaging Service TN-14-0064
09/30/2014 Eliminate Directory Listings USOCs TN-14-0063
09/01/2014 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-14-0062
09/01/2014 Modify/Obsolete BLC Term Plans TN-14-0059
09/01/2014 Business Local Exchange Service Increase TN-14-0037
08/20/2014 AT&T Switched Ethernet Cross Connect Service TN-14-0061
08/20/2014 OA Automation TN-14-0058
07/31/2014 Operator Surcharge Decrease TN-14-0054
07/11/2014 Residence Local Exchange Service TN-14-0053
07/03/2014 Synchronet (DS0) Service TN-14-0051
07/03/2014 Private Line Channels (APL) TN-14-0050
07/01/2014 Business Long Distance Message Telecommuncations Service TN-14-0049
07/01/2014 ICC TN-14-0048
07/01/2014 Discontinue BellSouth Channelized Trunks Variable Payment Period Plans TN-14-0039
06/14/2014 Sunset Dedicated Metro E TN-14-0052
06/13/2014 Withdraw SmartLine Service TN-14-0047
06/01/2014 Complete Choice for Business Increase TN-14-0044
06/01/2014 Line Change Charge - Additional Line. TN-14-0043
06/01/2014 9-1-1 PinPoint Service TN-14-0042
05/28/2014 VoIP TN-14-0041
05/01/2014 Directory Assistance Increase TN-14-0038
05/01/2014 ISDN Business Service (IBS) Increase TN-14-0036
05/01/2014 Business Local Calling Increase TN-14-0034
05/01/2014 Obsolete Digital Data Only Option for BellSouth Primary Rate ISDN TN-14-0027
04/30/2014 Obsolete Bill Management Service TN-14-0040
04/22/2014 Warm Line Service TN-14-0035
04/05/2014 Residence Call Waiting and Call Forwarding Variable Increases TN-14-0033
04/03/2014 MegaLink (DS1) and LightGate (DS3) Rate Increases TN-14-0032
04/01/2014 Residence Service Connection Charge Waiver Modification TN-14-0031
04/01/2014 BellSouth Primary Rate ISDN Increase TN-14-0029
03/07/2014 Clean up TN-14-0028
03/01/2014 Business Remote Call Forwarding Increase TN-14-0026
02/28/2014 Business Local Exchange Service Increase TN-14-0025
02/21/2014 Remove 12.2.2 from Specialized Service or Arrangements TN-13-0105
01/31/2014 Obsolete Complete Choice for Business Package TN-14-0024
01/04/2014 Residential Verticals Increase TN-14-0012
01/04/2014 Residential Packages Increases TN-14-0011
01/03/2014 Residential Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-14-0010
01/02/2014 SynchroNet (DS0) Increase TN-14-0007
01/02/2014 Private Line Channels (APL) Increase TN-14-0006
01/01/2014 Business Long Distance Message Telecommunications Service (LDMTS) Increase TN-14-0008