Telephone Company
Interstate Access Ameritech Tariffs (Midwest) - APPROVED Filings

Effective Description Package
01/21/2025 Ameritech FCC 3 Michigan Structure Update 1922
01/21/2025 AIT BDS De-tariff cleanup part 2 1922
01/21/2025 AIT BDS De-tariff cleanup part 1 1922
01/01/2025 AIT 1Q2025 FUSF 1921
12/20/2024 AIT Switched Access 1 Year Term Plan Grandfathering 1920
11/01/2024 AIT MidYear Exogenous Rate Obligation Updates 1919
10/01/2024 AMTR 2024 Mid-Year (USF only) 1919
09/10/2024 AIT-Clarify Shared Use language 1918
08/01/2024 AIT FCC 2 Withdraw Shared Use Footnotes 1917
08/01/2024 AIT FCC No. 2 Shared Use Arrangements pricing simplification 1916
07/02/2024 AIT 2024 Annual Filing 1915
06/01/2024 AIT FCC No. 2 Shared Use Grandfathering 1914
05/04/2024 AIT FCC 3 Michigan Bell LLC Removal 1913
05/04/2024 AIT FCC 2 Remove Michigan LLC 1913
05/01/2024 AMTR FCC #3 - Legal Entity Change - Part 1 1912
05/01/2024 F.C.C. No. 2 - AIT Access Services Legal Entity Change 1912
04/01/2024 Ameritech 2Q2024 FUSF Filing 1911
02/06/2024 Withdraw AIT Wire Center Grandfathering 1910
02/06/2024 AIT Wire Center Service Grandfathering 1909
01/17/2024 AIT Tariff F.C.C. No. 2 Grandfather DS1/DS3 Term Plan 1908
01/02/2024 AIT 1Q24 FUSF 1907
10/03/2023 AIT - 2023 Mid-Year Filing 1906
09/01/2023 Discontinue 8YY Carrier ID Only Query - AIT 1905
07/01/2023 AIT - 2023 FCC Annual Filing 1904
04/01/2023 2Q23 FUSF Filing - AIT 1903
01/01/2023 AIT 1Q2023 FUSF Filing 1902
01/01/2023 AIT Program Audio Sunsetting 3487
11/01/2022 DS/1/DS3 2 and 3 Year Term Plans Grandfathering - AIT 1901
10/01/2022 AIT - 2022 Mid Year TRS Reg Fee NANPA FUSF 1900
07/01/2022 2022 Annual Filing - AIT 1899
07/01/2022 8YY Rate Reduction - AIT 1899
04/16/2022 Discontinuance of DS1 DAL - AIT 1898
04/01/2022 2Q22 FUSF Filing - AIT 1897
01/01/2022 AIT 1Q22 FUSF Filing 1896
10/01/2021 AIT 4Q21 FUSF/TRS/RegFee/NANPA 1895
07/01/2021 AMTR Annual Filing Correction 1894
07/01/2021 AMTR 2021 Annual Filing 1893
07/01/2021 AIT FCC 8YY Reduction 1893
04/01/2021 2Q21 FUSF Filing - MW 1892
01/01/2021 1Q21 FUSF AMTR FC-20-0010
12/31/2020 Video Service-Midwest-TV Analog Video-Grandfather 2020, Retire 2021 FC-20-0008
10/01/2020 AMTR 4Q20 FUSF-TRS-Reg Fee 1889
07/01/2020 AMTR 2020 AF Tariff Pages 1888
04/01/2020 2Q20 FUSF MW 1887
03/17/2020 AIT Traceback Language (Amend) 1886
03/17/2020 FCC AIT-Rev Add'l Labor Lang, Traceback Language 1885
01/01/2020 MW 1Q20 FUSF 1884
12/31/2019 AIT - Remove references to intercept 1883
11/20/2019 MW FCC #2 VG/DS0 Grandfather 1882
10/01/2019 4Q19 MW FUSF/TRS/REG FEE 1881
07/18/2019 Service Availability (FCC Tariff AIT) 1880
07/02/2019 MW 2019 AF 1879
04/01/2019 MW FCC 2Q19 FUSF 1878
03/01/2019 MW FCC Tariff Switched Access Gndfthr Term Plans >36 Months 1877
01/01/2019 MW 1Q19 FUSF FCC Tariff Filing 1876
12/06/2018 Price-flex Contract Offer No. 225 1875
10/01/2018 4Q2018 AIT FUSF-EUCL Qtrly Filing-Transmittal 1872 1872
09/29/2018 Illinois Bell Tel Co Reorg to Illinois Bell Telephone Company, LLC 1873
07/03/2018 MW EUCL ARC FUSF 2018 AF 1871
04/03/2018 Inward Assistance Sunset 1870
04/01/2018 AIT 2Q18 FUSF 1869
01/01/2018 AIT AMENDED 1Q18 FUSF Filing 1868
01/01/2018 1Q18 FUSF AIT 1867
12/08/2017 BDS MSA Section De-tariffing 1866
12/04/2017 X factor Rate Adjustment 1865
11/01/2017 BDS Price-Cap to Price-Flex 1864
10/01/2017 AIT 4QFUSF/TRS Filing 1863
09/13/2017 BDS Term Grandfather 1862
07/01/2017 AMTR AF Surcharge Tariff Pages 1860
06/22/2017 TamdemMW Changes 1859
04/01/2017 2Q17 FUSF Filing 1858
02/08/2017 Operator Transfer Service Sunset 1857
01/01/2017 1Q17 Quarterly FUSF Filing 1855
10/27/2016 Fractional T1 Grandfather 1854
10/01/2016 4th QTR USF 1852
09/24/2016 USOC Elimination-AIT-214 Req'd 1851
09/20/2016 Ameritech Revised PF 223 1853
09/13/2016 Operator Services Sunset 1850
08/30/2016 DCP- Refile 1849
07/22/2016 DCP - Grandfathering Rejection 1848
07/16/2016 DCP Changes 1847
07/01/2016 2016 Annual Filing 1846
05/31/2016 USOC Elimination Refile - AIT 1844
05/17/2016 AIT PF - Special Access PF Offer 1845
04/14/2016 Issuing Officer 1843
04/01/2016 2016 2nd QTR USF 1842
03/26/2016 Special Construction - Ohio 1841
01/29/2016 Ameritech PF - Access Service Offer 1840
01/26/2016 Special Construction for DS3 Services 1856
01/01/2016 2016 1st QTR USF 1836
01/01/2016 Ameritech Frame Relay Sunset 1837
12/30/2015 Ameritech PF Contract - Access Service Offer 1835
12/25/2015 Withdraw TN 1838 - USOC Elimination 1839
11/26/2015 AIT Price Flex Agreement 1834
11/11/2015 Withdraw PF 220 1833
10/31/2015 AIT Spend Plan PF 1832
10/01/2015 4th QTR USF 1831
08/14/2015 ADE Cross-Connects 1830
07/01/2015 2015 Annual Filing 1829
05/12/2015 Calling Cards 1828
04/21/2015 Directory Assistance Automation 1827
04/01/2015 2nd Quarter USF 1826
03/21/2015 Multichannel Video Svc Sunset 1825
03/05/2015 Special Construction 1824
02/19/2015 Issuing Officer 1823
01/01/2015 AMTR FUSF 1Q15 1822
12/26/2014 Non-Premium & Transitional Removal 1821
11/21/2014 SNET Sale Contract Language 1820
11/19/2014 Centrex ARC Rate 1819
11/12/2014 Wideband Analog & Data Sunset 1818
10/29/2014 PF 219 - Access Service Offer 1817
10/18/2014 PF 218 - DS1 and DS3 Service Offer 1816
10/11/2014 Intellectual Property Telcordia 1815
10/02/2014 Price-Flex Wire Centers - Restore 1814
10/01/2014 4Q14 FUSF 1813
08/26/2014 Clean-up 3 1812
07/30/2014 ASE Cross Connects - AIT 1811
07/01/2014 2014 Annual Filing 1810
06/07/2014 Cleanup 2 1809
04/01/2014 2014 2nd Quarter USF 1808
03/27/2014 Clean-up 1 1807
01/16/2014 Term Grandfather Withdraw 1806
01/01/2014 2014 1st QTR USF 1805
10/22/2013 Price Flex DS3 Access Offer 1802
06/01/2013 PF 216 - Special Access Wireless DS1 Service Offer 1793
01/11/2013 PF 213 - DS1/DS3 Special Access Offer 1786
12/22/2012 Price Flex - DS3 Special Access Offer 1784
11/30/2011 PF 206 - Access Service Offer 1754
09/10/2011 PF 204 - DS1 Service Offer 1750
08/25/2011 PF 203 - Special Access Wireless DS1 and DS3 Service Offer 1749
05/28/2011 PF 198 - Special Access Wireless DS1 and DS3 Service Offer 1739
03/10/2011 PF Contract - DS1 and DS3 Offer 1731
07/08/2009 PF 62 - Access Service Offer 1700
03/25/2009 PF 61 - DS3 IOF Transport Buncle Service Offer 1695